Weekly Forex Trading Forecast: Can Dollar Find Direction as NFPs Weigh on Taper Speculation?

US Dollar Forecast – US Dollar Will Look to Volatility, Not Taper for Next Drive

Is the Fed’s fledgling Taper policy in jeopardy?

Euro Dollar Forecast – ECB’s Hold Offers Euro Rally Room as EONIA Rates Steady

A lack of a dovish policy move by the European Central Bank this week has given the Euro room to reverse its recent losses. European QE is looking less likely now.

British Pound Forecast – British Pound Outlook Depends on Bank of England’s Words This Week

The British Pound fell against most major FX counterparts as the Bank of England left interest rates unchanged.

Japanese Yen Forecast – JPY Still at Risk for Larger Correction on Fed Testimony, Risk Trends

The USDJPY climbed to a freshly month high of 102.57 following the dismal Non-Farm Payrolls report, but the pair may reverse course next week should the Fed’s Humphrey-Hawkish Testimony raise bets of seeing another $10B taper at the March 19 meeting.

Australian Dollar Forecast – Australian Dollar Looks to Yellen Testimony for Direction Cues

The Australian Dollar will look to testimony from newly-minted Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen to establish direction cues in the week ahead.

How does a Currency War affect your FX trading?

Written by the DailyFX Research Team. To sign up for a weekly e-mail with our currency outlooks, go to our page for forex news delivered to your inbox.

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Source: Daily fx