US Dollar Forecast – US Dollar Ready to Advance on Taper View or Surge on Fear Swell
Last month, the Federal Reserve took a very sharp monetary policy turn when it announced the first ‘Taper’ of its open-ended stimulus program.
Gold Forecast – Gold Opens 2014 on Strong Footing – Rally at Risk Heading into NFPs
Gold prices are markedly higher this week with the precious metal rallying nearly 2% to trade at $1236 ahead of the New York close on Friday.
Japanese Yen Forecast – Japanese Yen Shows Signs of Life but Does Rally Continue
The Japanese Yen clawed back losses versus the Euro and US Dollar as traders took profits on JPY-short positions to start the New Year
Australian Dollar Forecast – Australian Dollar Rebound Likely to Continue in the Near Term
The Australian Dollar began to recover on the back of stable domestic prospects and digestion of the Fed QE “taper” outlook, as expected. More of the same is seen ahead.
How does a Currency War affect your FX trading?
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