Weekly Forex Trading Forecast: Major US Data Threatens to Unleash Volatility

U.S. Dollar Forecast – US Dollar Will Make Breakout Bid as Market Uses NFPs to Gauge Taper

The past week was one of consolidation for both market conditions and price action for the US Dollar.

British Pound Forecast – GBP Poised to Clear 1.6400 as BoE Removes FLS- Key Themes for 2014

The bullish sentiment surrounding the British Pound may gather pace in December should the Bank of England (BoE) continue to show a greater willingness to implement its exit strategy ahead of schedule.

Gold Forecast – Gold at 4-Month Lows on Strong USD- GDP, NFPs to Drive December Open

Gold nudged higher this week with the precious metal advancing 0.66% to trade at $1251 ahead of the New York close on Friday.

Australian Dollar Forecast – Aussie Dollar to Look Past RBA Meeting, Focus on US News-Flow

The Australian Dollar remained under pressure last week, dropping to the lowest level in three months against its US namesake.

How does a Currency War affect your FX trading?

Written by the DailyFX Research Team. To sign up for a weekly e-mail with our currency outlooks, go to our page for forex news delivered to your inbox.

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Source: Daily fx