Forex Trading Forecast: Can USD Continue Surge, Yen and Gold Tumble?

Dollar Index (ticker: USDOLLAR) finishes near multi-month highs on Yen and Aussie Dollar tumbles
Volatility might slow in the week ahead, but keep an eye on key event risk in Japan
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US Dollar Forecast – US Dollar Likely to Continue Higher, but Against Which Currencies?

The Dow Jones FXCM Dollar Index (ticker: USDOLLAR) rallied for its third week of the past four and finished near multi-month highs. A holiday-shortened week suggests the Dollar price action may slow, but why might the Greenback see big moves in the days ahead?

Japanese Yen Forecast – Yen to Extended Losses as Stagnant Price Growth Undermines BoJ Pledge

The USDJPY rally may gather pace during the final week of November as the slowing recovery in Japan undermines the Bank of Japan’s (BoJ) pledge to achieve the 2% target for inflation by 2015.

Gold Price Forecast – Gold at 4-month Lows, But Can Sell-Off be Sustained?

Gold plummeted more than 3.5% this week with the precious metal trading at $1244 ahead of the New York close on Friday. But with the November close and a shortened week ahead, can the sell-off be sustained?

Australian Dollar Forecast – Australian Dollar at the Mercy of Fed QE Taper Speculation

The Australian Dollar is at the mercy of risk sentiment trends in the week ahead as with US economic news-flow feeds continued Fed QE “taper” speculation.

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Source: Daily fx